With great joy and thanksgiving to God, our Superior General announced that Pope Francis has appointed Father Hector Luis Zordan, M.SS.CC. Bishop of Gualeguaychu, Entre Rio province, Argentina by Pope Francis on March 28, 2017. He was consecrated Bishop on May 28, 2017 in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Gualeguaychu. Bishop Zordan, born in Calchaqui, Sante Fe, Argentina in 1956 entered the Missionaries in 1976 and was perpetually professed on August 14, 1983. He completed philosophical and theological studies at the Carlo Borromeo Seminary of the Archdiocese of Rosario. Ordained in March 1984, he has served the Congregation as parochial vicar of San Roque Parish in Capital Bermudez; Pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Buenos Aires; Rector of the religious community of Capitan Bermudez and as Novice Master and Vocation Director. In addition, he has held the office of vice-president of Archdiocesan Caritas of the Archdiocese of Rosario. Before his appointment as Bishop, he was the Delegate of the Superior General of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts for Argentina from 1998 to 2016. We give our fraternal wishes for a most fruitful apostolate and assure him of our prayers for God’s blessings on all his endeavors.