
Sagrado Corazon De Jesus y Inmaculado Corazon De Maria – Junio 2022

SOLEMNIDAD DEL SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS Esta es una fiesta movible que honra al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. En 1675, Jesús le dijo a Santa Margarita María de Alacoque que quería que la Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón se celebrara el viernes después de la octava del Corpus Christi. En 1856, la Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón […]

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Fr. Michael Messaro, M.SS.CC. Celebrates 50th Jubilee

On Sunday, April 15, Confreres, friends, family and parishioners gathered at St. Mary’s Church in Fairfield, PA to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Michael Messaro, M.SS.CC. Fr. Messaro was ordained on March 30, 1968 after completion of his studies at the Propagation of the Faith Pontifical University in Rome. 

Fr. Michael Messaro, M.SS.CC. Celebrates 50th Jubilee Read More »

Fr. Hector Luis Zordan, M.SS.CC. consecrated as Bishop of Gualeguaychu, Argentina

With great joy and thanksgiving to God, our Superior General announced that Pope Francis has appointed Father Hector Luis Zordan, M.SS.CC. Bishop of Gualeguaychu, Entre Rio province, Argentina by Pope Francis on March 28, 2017.  He was consecrated Bishop on May 28, 2017 in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Gualeguaychu. Bishop Zordan, born in Calchaqui,

Fr. Hector Luis Zordan, M.SS.CC. consecrated as Bishop of Gualeguaychu, Argentina Read More »

Mission Chapels Approved for Bhimavarpadu & Kumkuvaripalem, India

Father Delegate Antony Samy is eager to begin the work on two small Chapels in outlying villages where our Missionaries have been serving. The villagers are eager to have a worship space as they now attend Mass celebrated in one of the homes. The chapels once built will become the focal point for the villages

Mission Chapels Approved for Bhimavarpadu & Kumkuvaripalem, India Read More »

WATER PUMP PROJECT IN Dhingurpani Parish, Jharkhand, India

WATER PUMP PROJECT IN Dhingurpani Parish, Jharkhand, India has been completed under the direction of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts. Fr. S. Antony Samy, Delegate of our Indian Community stated that new bore wells were drilled in ten different villages in the parish allowing the residents to have a convenient source of clean water.

WATER PUMP PROJECT IN Dhingurpani Parish, Jharkhand, India Read More »

Jubilee Year of Mercy, visit one of the several churches selected to pass through the Holy Doors

The Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has designated Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish (St. Mary’s) in Fairfield, PA as a special pilgrimage site for the Year of Mercy from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016. Pilgrims are encouraged to visit one of the several churches selected to pass through the Holy Doors.

Jubilee Year of Mercy, visit one of the several churches selected to pass through the Holy Doors Read More »

Mid-Chapter held in India in November 2016

Superior General Fr. Luigi Toscano presided on a Mid-Chapter November 7 through 13, 2016 in Thambuchettypalya, Bangalore, India. The Chapter was open to all the Delegates from the eight countries where we have an established presence which are, Italy, the United States, Argentina, India, Nigeria, Slovakia, Indonesia and Colombia. Before the Chapter began, each Delegate

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Kuchipudi Mission Inaugurates New Program ‘FEED THE NEEDY’

On October 29, 2015 a new program aimed at providing a mid-day meal daily to those parishioners in most need was inaugurated by the Missionaries who staff the mission in Kuchipudi, Andhra Pradesh, India.  The program is modelled on the providing of meals begun by St. Gaetano, our Founder in Secondigliano, Italy at our Motherhouse,

Kuchipudi Mission Inaugurates New Program ‘FEED THE NEEDY’ Read More »

Jubilee Year Announced Celebrating Bicentennial Of Ordination Of St. Gaetano Errico

On July 14, 2015 by mandate of Pope Francis, the Apostolic Penitentiary granted the celebration of a Jubilee Year from September 23, 2015 to September 23, 2016 in celebration of the Bicentennial of the priestly ordination of the Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, St. Gaetano Errico. In each

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